I have several different salsa recipes that I like..this is the quickest and soooo good and tasty..
Quick and Easy Salsa
3-4 large fresh tomatoes..I used my garden heirloom tomatoes..Cherokee purple are my favorite
2 Tbs chopped fresh cilantro
4 Tbsp Mrs Wages create salsa seasoning packet
Chop tomatoes..I use my pampered chef chopper, done in seconds. Add other ingredients and then eat it. So fast..so yummy. I love to eat it on my favorite chips from Earth Fare posted below.
Chop tomatoes with a chopper to make it easy
This is the salsa packet found at Ingles..has all clean ingredients :)
Add spices and cilantro and stir
Eat the salsa on this chips..look at those superfood ingredients list!!
I really want to try those chips and make this salsa...YUMMMO!!!