
Monday, February 20, 2012

This is for your skin..The Oil Cleansing Method!!

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Hear is an all natural, wonderful way to cleanse your skin!! I was a skeptic until I tried this and my skin feels wonderful!! Personally  I am not sure how it is possible..but I have been developing wrinkles and pimples at the same time..for about 3 years.  The dermatologist has given me wonderful advice and an array of medications and multiple visits and said "welcome to your 30's baby".  In the last year, she has told me that it is a hormone problem and I have finally gotten that fixed.  She is all about natural cleansers and promotes healthy ways to cleanse skin.  I have been trying this for a few weeks and WOW!! What a difference!! I am going to do the natural shampooing next!!

What is it?

Oil cleansing your face is the most natural form of skin cleansing and good for your face regardless of age or skin condition. It works wonders for oily skin, acne, wrinkles, dry skin, combination skin...whatever it is..this is the answer.  It is using natural oils to cleanse your skin.

How does it work?

Turn off the faucet, throw out the soaps and cleansers and astringents and get ready for a revolution in your skin!!  Skin secretes oil for a number of reasons..that's how your skin takes care of itself.  So here is a chemistry lesson.. like dissolves like.. So you are dissolving yucky dirty oil and wiping away make-up and clogged pores by replacing with clean  nourishing oil.  Sounds crazy, I know, but it works wonders. There is no soap, no suds, no chemicals!! This is the key.  If you use these kind of products it strips your skin of it's oils so it over produces oil to try to help.  So...then you get pimples, black heads and white heads and irritation ..yucky skin.  (as my face was dry and peeling with pimples..I decided this might be true).

What to Use:

Two oils are used for oil cleansing. One main constant is castor oil.  Castor oil is very cheap and has an array of health benefits.  Castor oil is derived from the castor bean plant.  Castor oil contains an extremely high amount of a rare and unusual fatty acid called ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. 
Castor oil exhibits strong pain-killing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, and anti-wrinkle properties due to its high content of this acid.
You also need a carrier oil for the castor oil..there are several to list, but personally I have been using Sunflower oil..most people have the best results with this may also use these:

Good Oil Cleansing Varieties

  • Jojoba (all skin types, but very desirable for acne-prone skin)
  • Sweet almond (all skin types, especially oily)
  • Grapeseed (all skin types, especially oily)
  • Avocado (dry and aging skin)
    Sunflower Seed (all skin types)
  • Olive (all skin types)
  • Apricot Kernel (dry, aging, and normal skin)
  • Argan (all skin types, especially aging skin … very pricey)
  • Tamanu (all skin types … very pricey)

Here is your recipe:

  • Oily skin: Use 2/3 castor oil to 1/3 carrier oil. (Or measure out 2 tsp castor oil and 1 tsp carrier oil.)

  • Normal skin: Use equal parts castor oil and carrier oil. (Measuring out 1-1/2 tsp castor oil and 1-1/2 tsp carrier oil.)

  • Dry skin: Use 1/3 castor oil and 2/3 carrier oil. (Again, 2 tsp carrier oil and 1 tsp castor oil.)

  • I personally do a 1/3 castor oil and 2/3 sunflower oil in a little bottle that I mix up myself and keep in the bath tub.

    Here is how to do it :

    1.  Prepare your solution in advance and keep at the sink, tub, or shower where you wash your face at night with a washcloth nearby.

    2. Massage the about a quarter size amount (or more) on to your face.  Paying attention to rub in a few seconds on to each area of your face.  Pretend you are at the spa and massage away.

    3. Get your washcloth wet with hot water (as hot as you can stand it).  With the oil all massaged in, place the wash cloth on your face and let it steam out your pores until the washcloth is cool.  I do this step 3 times.  Lay back, relax, and pretend you are at the spa..minus people yelling, fighting, and screaming outside the door.  Take the washcloth the last time and gently wipe the oil off your face (not scrubbing, just wiping).  Pat your skin dry and apply moisturizer if needed.

    Tips to take note of:

    • Do not use other cleansing products when you switch, you will confuse the daylights out of your skin.
    • Only do this once a day at night..I just rinse my face with warm water in the morning.
    • I still apply my moisturizer (I use YES to Carrots Body Cream on my face)..recommended by my dermatologist...and YES to blueberries eye cream..along with ROC at night
    • it may take a week or two for your skin to adjust but is so worth it!!
    • you can add essential oils like tea tree oil or lavender essential oil (if your face is oily or acne-prone) or carrot seed oil or rose hip oil for normal/dry skin or even some rose essential oil or myrrh essential oil if your skin is aging. In all cases, just use 2-3 drops of each oil in your mixture. (I have not done that yet)
    I used to use cerave,  a clarasonic mia to scrub, and still use an astringent to get off even more make up. NOT ANY MORE!! Love the way my skin feels!!

    My cheap to do!!

    No one should be pictured this close without photo shopping..but here is my skin after 2 feels great!


    1. When you say takes a few weeks for skin to adjust does that mean it will break out first?

    2. Several people stated on reviews of this method that they did have some breakouts when they first started. I personally did not. Some people did great and never broke out and some people did great at first and then broke out on the second week. You need to give your face time to adjust and time to purge. The oil(especially castor) is sucking/dissolving the sebum from your pores. Some people say that they are feeling tiny grain like pieces on their face when they massage. Those are blackheads/impurities/dead skin cells popping out from the oil.
      Your skin will purge before it gets better. The reason that you get pimples from this is because the oil is pulling up the oil from the deeper layers of the skin(causing a cyst, or a pustule). BUT with continued use, you will eventually pull that pimple to the surface(the top layer of skin).
      I switched over and had no issus at skin just felt so much better. Some of the reviews said to be sure to take the time to massage all areas, that you are using the right ratio of castor oil for your skin type, your are steaming and gently wiping off your face with the cloth, and that you rinse with water until the oil is dissolved. Hope that help!! :D

    3. Just wanted to share that I've been doing this right at 2 weeks and I'm very pleased! My trouble spot has always been my chin and even that is starting to clear up nicely. Since I was about 26 or 27, I've had trouble with an oily forehead, but no more. I use 1/2 castor with 1/2 organic olive oil with a few drops of lavender essential oil. I was pretty skeptical at first, but so far, so good!! Thanks for sharing this! When I was telling my mom about it, my dad overhead and commented about how women did this in the "old days" ha! What goes around comes around, I suppose. And I enjoy your clean eating recipes as well.

    4. Thank you Brandie! I am so glad you tried it and it is going well! I have heard a lot of positive feedback from everyone that has tried it on here so far! We should go back and learn a lot of tricks from the "old days" apparently! Thanks for reading and I am glad I am helping people :D

    5. Hey Brandy, Do you have to mix the caster oil with the carrier oil? Have you ever tried that Dr Brommers castor oil(sp?)? I've seen it at Walgreens and have heard good things about it being a good organic cleanser. also, Im really interested in the natural shampooing too, so let us know how if you start that :) thanks, Sandy S.

    6. I have done this same kind of thing with olive oil with vanilla extract and brown sugar, it makes a great exfoliant and after the brown sugar is all dissolved I leave it on my face in the shower and it cleans my skin and hydrates at the same time, love it!!! Smells divine to!
