What is Sole?
Since I am on a filtered water kick, I thought I would let you know how I start the day with it!
Sole (pronounced Solay) is water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt. This isn’t just a small amount of salt dissolved in water, but rather water that has absorbed as much natural salt as it is able and will not absorb any more. The term Sole comes from the Latin “Sol” meaning Sun. I am not talking about table salt, this is sea salt or pink Himalaya salt that you use that make this with.
I drink this every day on an empty stomach before breakfast.
I drink this every day on an empty stomach before breakfast.
You may be thinking salt can be harmful, so the idea of drinking salt water may sound counter-intuitive, but it turns out that this concentrated salt solution can have a variety of health-supporting uses. This remedy has been used for centuries in some countries and claims both anecdotal and scientifically supported evidence for the following uses: